Monday, June 28, 2010

The Perfect Combination

Lately I was reminded that life is sometimes painful and sometimes it's beautiful, but most of the time it’s both.

Now I try to be positive most of the time but my boyfriend is a bit more negative; and while having a conversation about life he said it's painful and I said life is beautiful. Later on thinking about it, I realized it's not always beautiful... for I remember there being painful things along my path, situations that have made me cry or mad. But there's also moments were I've experienced love and happiness. Neither him nor I were wrong, since the suffering we live through makes us realize how beautiful life is. If we only held perfection we wouldn't know it was perfect because you couldn't compare to appreciate. Without suffering, there wouldn't be beauty... 

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Crippled Inside

Regrets. This remorse in our hearts telling us we should have done differently. It makes you feel guilty, even weep over it. Why did it happen that way? Why can't we change it now? ... and meanwhile we remember those words that say "Don't regret it, it all has a reason for being, plus it makes you grow in experience... You will be stronger." And I guess they are right, if we change our approach and see these situations as lessons, not as regrets.  (super cliche, I know) BUT!

If I look back on my life, I realize that the moments I would have hoped that never happened have led me to the absolute satisfaction I am found in. This peace I feel with myself. 

Don't let these feelings keep you down for long, don't let them 'cripple you inside' (like my beloved John Lennon would have said), hinder your present, nor limit your future. 

Saturday, June 5, 2010

In all honesty.

Honesty, said to be precious but not an easy route (I should know by experience, believe me). This is a moral character I've always abided by.
 I believe it to be such a valuable trait in a person, though I have found very few who practice it. I'll dare say, maybe 3 or 4 people have been honest with me, about hard stuff I mean, in my whole life. To me honesty is never offensive, but appreciated because I've realized how rare is to find someone who is. I wish more people were less deceiving and most sincere.

"Honesty: the best of all lost arts." Mark Twain