I woke up, and it was May 28th, 2010. It was my 20th birthday. There was no new feeling, I didn't feel any different... but I was happy inside. Though every call, message, email, FB wall said "WOW 20, you're getting old"... I'd argue differently, I'm so young! If we draw a time line of my life, guys I'm just getting started!.. well if God gives me the gift of living till I'm about 60... That's like 2050! agghh... wow that sounds so far. Have I got a long fun journey ahead of me still!

Point is, growing older, change your attitude about it. I've noticed how the fear of aging robs people's life of any meaning... We all grow older, recognize it and change the way you think about it and you'll be able to enjoy your aging process . There's no vial or cure for staying young... Plus aging is a natural part of the circle of life.
There's no such thing as "golden years"
It's just your decision.
It's just your decision.